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Galway Certified Translations
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+353 857 200 151
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Interpreting Services
Community Interpreting Services in Galway
Court Interpreting at Galway Certified Translations
Interpreter for wedding notifications and civil wedding ceremonies
Interpreting Services in the West of Ireland
Translation Services
Corporate and Business Document Translation
Document Preparation in Galway region
Financial Document Translations
Technical Translation Services in West of Ireland
Legal Translations in Galway Region
Personal Documents Translation in Galway Region
Website Translation/Localisation
Languages at GGT
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Court Interpreting at Galway Certified Translations
The court practice shows that the interpreters are still in a big demand.
Dramatically Expand Your Market With Website Translation & Localisation!
With today's global market, having a website is crucial to your business' success. In essence, your website can be the most valuable marketing tool for your company.
Unrivalled experience and professionalism
Accurate translations of technical documents requires a proper level of experience to become familiar with the wide range of specific terminology required that is very rare among translation agenci
Community Interpreting Services
Ireland has changed from a country of net emigration to one of steady immigration by asylum seekers and by workers from both inside and outside the European Economic Area.
Interpreter for wedding notifications and civil wedding ceremonies
The Marriage Notification Process in Ireland
Interpreting Services in the West of Ireland
Apart from providing translation services in Galway and other cities and towns of the West of Ireland, we also have a high qualified and trained team of interpreters.
Financial Document Translations
We provide specialised financial translation solution
Corporate and Business Document Translation
Help your business to be accurately reflected in all foreign markets. Have you ever thought about how much is depending on your every word?
When Legal Translation Services Becomes Necessary
As the globalisation of our legal world continues to grow, there becomes an increasing need to have various legal documents translated with impeccable accuracy.
Legal Services – preparation of documents
As part of our job, we are working closely with solicitors, notaries public and other legal professionals in Ireland and abroad.
Personal Documents Translation
Galway Certified Translations offers an official certification of translation for all our translations, with personal documents being some of the most commonly certified documents because they cont
Types of document translation certification in ireland
Depending on our clients’ requirements, Galway Certified Translations can provide additional and essential services such as translations to be certified by our company stamps, solicitor, notary pub
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