Galway Certified Translations offers an official certification of translation for all our translations, with personal documents being some of the most commonly certified documents because they contain important personal information. GCT offers certified translations for birth certificates, adoption papers, marriage interview, wills, diplomas, school transcripts, passports, and many other types of personal documents. We translate all kind of personal documents such as: letters, e-mails, simple lines written on papers, transcript of phone conversations, internet articles, etc.
Our certification gives an additional level of validity to the translation: helping prevent fraud and giving you peace of mind. This is just what many organisations, governmental and non-governmental alike, are looking for. They require “certified translations” because they want to have the assurance that the translated document you are providing was translated by a professional completely and accurately.
If you have a personal document translation or any other document that needs to have a
certified translation, GCT is here to help. Just follow the two simple steps below.
Request a quote:
For a quote on personal document translation, you can request a free quote, emailing a scanned copy of your document to galway.translations@gmail.com Either way, please make sure to include your contact information (name, phone number, and email) and the source and target languages.
Provide payment information and choose method of delivery:
Before proceeding with the translation, a project coordinator will contact you to receive payment and delivery information. You can choose to pick up your translation or receive it by regular or registered post. Galway Certified Translations accepts all major credit cards.
If you need to translate any personal documents, please contact us today and we will serve you in time, at lowest prices and keeping confidentiality of your intimacy.